
Benefits of Teaching Sign Language to Your Infant And Toddler

American Sign Language, abbreviated as ASL, is now considered to be a renowned and essential language, and it is the same as any other language such as French or Spanish. Because of this reason, If there is a child who speaks sign language, he is considered to be bilingual. When children start learning English and ASL together, they have been using both the right and left sides of the brain together, and because of this, it gives the children two different places to recall the language in the place of just one. Experts’ Opinion about Sign Language Experts have given different opinions regarding the sign language that can be taught to babies, and according to the experts' opinion which is quite common and it says that babies who are even six to seven months old can learn sign language and they can remember for a long time. When they turn eight months old, they also start signing single words. They also get the ability to imitate gestures that they copy from their elders. By the time